2 ° MCPTT Plugtest - June 2018
What is it about?
The MCPTT Plugtest consists of an event of several days in which the participating companies collaborate and compare each other to test their products and their interoperability.
Why it is important?
When we talk about MCPTT, interoperability is fundamental the Mission Critical PTT standard, in fact, was created to ensure that in emergency situations, the various security forces can communicate with each other without being bound by the service providers they are using.For this to be a reality, suppliers must they must develop their products according to the standard defined by 3GPP: the set of organizations that develops the standards of telecommunications.
Plugtests allow suppliers to verify that their developments work and also to validate the standard defined by 3GPP and help improve it.
Who participates?
- device vendors
- Mission Critical server vendors (#MCPTT, #MCDATA, #MCVIDEO)
- Mission Critical client vendors
- #SIP / #EPC / #IMS / #eMBMS vendors
- control room vendors
Alea S.r.l.® will participate as a MC server vendor and MC client vendor
http://www.etsi.org/news-events/events/1268-2nd-mcptt-plugtests #MCPTTPLU #missioncritical