4th MCX Plugtest: 23- 27 September 2019, Kupio, Finland

Articolo - Quarto Plugtests Mission Critical - 2019 - Alea Srl - ETSI

From 23 to 27 september 2019 Alea S.r.l will take part to the fourth MCX Plugtest organized by ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute).

This year the Plugtests will take place in Kuopio, Finland, at the Savonia University of Applied Sciences.

MCX Plugtests are born with the goal of verifying the manufacturers systems interoperability and are of primary importance for the continuos development of the standard and of the vendors products.

In this edition, Alea S.r.l will show the novelties of its own Mission Critical platfrom MCXPTT, like the complete support to Multicast and various other functionalities related to MCPtt, MCVideo and MCData.
